Bid Ask | |||||
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM77LV9 DE000UM77LV9 | Ferrari / Stellantis / Volkswagen AG VZ | 8.50% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Stellantis N.V., Volkswagen AG VZ and Ferrari NV | 24.07.2029 | EUR | 797,85807,85 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM8QMA3 DE000UM8QMA3 | UBS CMCI Precious Metals USD ER Index | Capped Capital Protected Certificate on UBS CMCI Precious Metals | 02.08.2027 | EUR | 107,93108,93 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM8L209 DE000UM8L209 | Intesa Sanpaolo / UniCredit | 7.33% Worst-of Barrier Reverse Convertible on Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and UniCredit S.p.A | 04.08.2025 | EUR | 976,46986,46 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM73UC9 DE000UM73UC9 | Neste Oyj | 7.68% p.a. Express Certificate with Fix Coupon on Neste Oyj | 09.08.2027 | EUR | 822,07832,08 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM9NE32 DE000UM9NE32 | BANCO BPM SPA / Enel / Stellantis / UniCredit | Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Banco BPM S.p.A., UniCredit S.p.A, Enel S.p.A. and Stellantis N.V. | 28.08.2029 | EUR | 753,50763,50 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM9M9Y5 DE000UM9M9Y5 | Eni / Intesa Sanpaolo / Moncler SpA | 9.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Moncler S.p.A. and Eni S.p.A. | 29.08.2029 | EUR | 917,15926,90 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP1C788 DE000UP1C788 | E.ON / Enel / Engie | 7.40% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Enel S.p.A., ENGIE and E.ON SE | 04.09.2029 | EUR | 905,98915,98 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP1CDY4 DE000UP1CDY4 | Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA / Moncler SpA / Telecom Italia / UniCredit | 9.60% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA, UniCredit S.p.A, Moncler S.p.A. and Telecom Italia S.p.A. | 05.09.2029 | EUR | 1.109,861.119,86 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP06S19 DE000UP06S19 | BANCO BPM SPA / BPER BANCA / UniCredit | 10.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on UniCredit S.p.A, Banco BPM S.p.A. and BPER Banca S.p.A. | 05.09.2029 | EUR | 1.013,751.023,75 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP085X1 DE000UP085X1 | Enel / Eni / Poste Italiane SPA / UniCredit | 8.00% p.a. Express Certificate with Fix Coupon on Poste Italiane S.p.A., Enel S.p.A., Eni S.p.A. and UniCredit S.p.A | 11.09.2028 | EUR | 958,40968,25 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP04L00 DE000UP04L00 | Enel / Eni / Generali / Intesa Sanpaolo | 9.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A., Enel S.p.A., Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and Eni S.p.A. | 11.09.2028 | EUR | 939,65949,50 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM9DX23 DE000UM9DX23 | BPER BANCA | 8.33% p.a. Issuer Callable Certificate with Fix Coupon on BPER Banca S.p.A. | 10.09.2026 | EUR | 999,911.012,91 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP0H2X1 DE000UP0H2X1 | Bayer / GSK PLC / Pfizer / Sanofi | 10.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Sanofi, Bayer AG, GSK PLC and Pfizer Inc. | 18.09.2029 | EUR | 765,66775,71 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP0YAP4 DE000UP0YAP4 | BANCO BPM SPA / Intesa Sanpaolo / Mediobanca | 9.60% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. and Banco BPM S.p.A. | 16.09.2026 | EUR | 1.004,201.016,21 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP0GYD7 DE000UP0GYD7 | Enel | Express Certificate on Enel S.p.A. | 25.09.2028 | EUR | 950,25960,15 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP003E4 DE000UP003E4 | BP / Eni / Repsol / RWE AG | 8.40% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on BP p.l.c., Repsol S.A., RWE AG and Eni S.p.A. | 24.09.2029 | EUR | 923,20933,20 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM9JHN9 DE000UM9JHN9 | EURO STOXX Banks EUR Price Index / NASDAQ 100 Index / NIKKEI 225 Index / STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas EUR Price Index | 7.50% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on STOXX® Europe 600 Oil & Gas Price (EUR) Index, EURO STOXX® Banks (Price) Index, Nasdaq-100® Index and Nikkei 225 | 25.09.2029 | EUR | 948,30958,30 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP0EJY9 DE000UP0EJY9 | Ferrari / TENARIS SA | 7.11% p.a. Worst-of Barrier Reverse Convertible on Ferrari NV and Tenaris S.A. | 06.10.2025 | EUR | 967,08977,08 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP0WA45 DE000UP0WA45 | BPER BANCA | 8.00% p.a. Express Certificate with Fix Coupon on BPER Banca S.p.A. | 05.10.2026 | EUR | 1.003,341.013,34 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP2KQU5 DE000UP2KQU5 | Eni / LEONARDO S.p.A. / Moncler SpA / UniCredit | 8.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Fix Coupon on Eni S.p.A., UniCredit S.p.A, Leonardo SpA and Moncler S.p.A. | 04.10.2028 | EUR | 969,20979,20 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP2MDR5 DE000UP2MDR5 | BANCO BPM SPA / UniCredit | 12.20% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Banco BPM S.p.A. and UniCredit S.p.A | 08.10.2029 | EUR | 1.006,901.016,90 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP2VD41 DE000UP2VD41 | Alphabet Inc. A / / Meta Platforms | 6.80% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on, Inc., Meta Platforms, Inc. and Alphabet Inc. Reg. Shares A | 10.10.2028 | EUR | 1.053,661.063,66 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM9CZM8 DE000UM9CZM8 | BNP Paribas | 6.72% p.a. Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on BNP Paribas | 08.10.2027 | EUR | 986,88996,88 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP0B378 DE000UP0B378 | Intesa Sanpaolo / RWE AG / Sanofi | 10.00% p.a. Worst-of Barrier Reverse Convertible on Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., RWE AG and Sanofi | 17.04.2026 | EUR | 895,94905,94 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP1X032 DE000UP1X032 | adidas / Kering / Nike | 8.20% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on adidas AG, Kering and Nike, Inc | 22.10.2029 | EUR | 876,10886,10 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM6P6K0 DE000UM6P6K0 | UBS CIO Global Top List Equity Preference List (EUR) | UBS CIO Global Top List Equity Preference List (EUR) | 22.09.2031 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/CH1309800444 CH1309800444 | Gold | 18M Dolphin Note on XAU/USD | 04.08.2025 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP5FAB2 DE000UP5FAB2 | Eli Lilly / Novartis / Novo Nordisk A/S / Sanofi | 10.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Novo Nordisk A/S, Novartis AG, Eli Lilly and Company and Sanofi | 07.11.2029 | EUR | 970,30980,30 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP2GXZ8 DE000UP2GXZ8 | BANCO BPM SPA / BPER BANCA / UniCredit | 9,26% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on UniCredit S.p.A, Banco BPM S.p.A. and BPER Banca S.p.A. | 08.11.2027 | EUR | 994,521.004,53 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP4RUN3 DE000UP4RUN3 | BANCO BPM SPA / Enel / LEONARDO S.p.A. / Moncler SpA | 11.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on worst of Banco BPM S.p.A., Moncler S.p.A., Enel S.p.A. and Leonardo SpA | 12.11.2029 | EUR | 1.065,651.075,65 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP45XQ4 DE000UP45XQ4 | Enel / Fortum / RWE AG / Veolia Environnement | 9.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Veolia Environnement, Enel S.p.A., FORTUM Oyj and RWE AG | 12.11.2029 | EUR | 1.000,001.010,05 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP43RK4 DE000UP43RK4 | BPER BANCA / Enel / Eni / Intesa Sanpaolo | 8.60% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on BPER Banca S.p.A., Enel S.p.A., Eni S.p.A. and Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. | 12.11.2029 | EUR | 1.019,701.030,05 |
/product/detail/index/isin/CH0598508429 CH0598508429 | UBS CIO Greentech goes global Equity Preference List (EUR) | Participation Certificates on UBS CIO Greentech goes global Equity Preference List (EUR) | 22.03.2028 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/CH1103529744 CH1103529744 | UBS CIO China (A-share) Equity Preference List (EUR) | Participation Certificates on UBS CIO China (A-share) Equity Preference List (EUR) | 21.04.2028 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/CH1137232133 CH1137232133 | UBS CIO Asia’s new mobility Equity Preference List (EUR) | Participation Certificates on UBS CIO Asia’s new mobility Equity Preference List (EUR) | 13.11.2028 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/CH1149568243 CH1149568243 | UBS CIO Global Top List Equity Preference List (EUR) | UBS CIO Global Top List Equity Preference List (EUR) | 29.12.2025 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UL5CTP3 DE000UL5CTP3 | Enel / Eni | Worst-of Sprint Certificate on Eni S.p.A. and Enel S.p.A. | 08.06.2026 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP2RGC9 DE000UP2RGC9 | Brent Crude Oil Future | 7.00% p.a. Buy on Dips on BRENT CRUDE FUTR Brent Crude Futures - North Sea - Front Month | 15.05.2026 | EUR | 1.008,331.018,33 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM92RJ0 DE000UM92RJ0 | Volkswagen AG VZ | Securitised Speeder | 18.10.2028 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP1SNJ0 DE000UP1SNJ0 | Eni / Sanofi / TERNA SPA | 7.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Eni S.p.A., Terna - Rete Elettrica Nazionale and Sanofi | 20.11.2028 | EUR | 980,05990,05 |
/product/detail/index/isin/CH1388368008 CH1388368008 | UBS CIO Power and Resources Equity Preference Portfolio (EUR) | Participation Certificates on the UBS CIO Power and Resources Equity Preference Portfolio (EUR) | 19.11.2031 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP21V72 DE000UP21V72 | Telecom Italia | 6.66% p.a. Express Certificate with Fix Coupon on Telecom Italia S.p.A. | 15.11.2027 | EUR | 995,651.005,65 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP443K9 DE000UP443K9 | BANCO BPM SPA / FinecoBank / Intesa Sanpaolo / UniCredit | 10.80% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Banco BPM S.p.A., FinecoBank Banca Fineco S.p.A., Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and UniCredit S.p.A | 29.11.2027 | EUR | 993,191.003,19 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM921U6 DE000UM921U6 | ASML Holding N.V. / BPER BANCA / LEONARDO S.p.A. | 10.00% p.a. Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on ASML Holding N.V., BPER Banca S.p.A. and Leonardo SpA | 03.12.2026 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UL87JS0 DE000UL87JS0 | ISHARES 7-10 YEAR TREASURY BOND ETF / iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF | Worst-of Capped Bonus Certificate on ISHARES 20+ YEAR TREASURY BOND ETF and ISHARES 7-10 YEAR TREASURY BOND ETF | 08.11.2027 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP43QP5 DE000UP43QP5 | Eni / Intesa Sanpaolo | 8.304% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. and Eni S.p.A. | 11.12.2028 | EUR | 982,75992,75 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP69D10 DE000UP69D10 | EURO STOXX Banks EUR Price Index / iShares on MSCI Emerging Markets Index / NASDAQ 100 Index / NIKKEI 225 Index | 8.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Nasdaq-100® Index, Nikkei 225, EURO STOXX® Banks (Price) Index and iShares on MSCI Emerging Markets ETF | 10.12.2029 | EUR | 1.037,301.047,30 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP6R819 DE000UP6R819 | BPER BANCA / LEONARDO S.p.A. / Saipem S.p.A. / STMICROELECTRONICS NV | 14.16% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on STMicroelectronics N.V., BPER Banca S.p.A., Leonardo SpA and Saipem S.p.A. | 12.12.2029 | EUR | 975,65985,65 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000US8ZM85 DE000US8ZM85 | BDS Global Leaders AMC Portfolio | Portfolio Certificates on the BDS Global Leaders AMC Portfolio | 13.12.2034 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/CH1398161773 CH1398161773 | UBS CIO AI Equity Preference Portfolio (EUR) | Participation Certificates on the UBS CIO AI Equity Preference Portfolio (EUR) | 10.12.2031 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP7UZK5 DE000UP7UZK5 | Davide Campari-Milano / Moncler SpA / Snam Rete Gas Spa / UniCredit | 8.40% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on UniCredit S.p.A, Moncler S.p.A., Snam SpA and Davide Campari-Milano N.V. | 19.12.2028 | EUR | 1.001,301.011,30 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UH72Z84 DE000UH72Z84 | Intesa Sanpaolo | 10.00% p.a. Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. | 25.03.2025 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP7Q3G6 DE000UP7Q3G6 | Intel / Kering / PayPal / Salvatore Ferragamo | 4.68% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Kering, PayPal Holdings, Inc., Intel Corporation and Salvatore Ferragamo S.p.A. | 20.12.2029 | EUR | 630,23640,23 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UK77GA7 DE000UK77GA7 | Bloomberg Luxury Series 1 Decrement 5% Index | Dolphin CPN on Bloomberg Luxury Series 1 Decrement 5% Index | 21.04.2026 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP795U1 DE000UP795U1 | Davide Campari-Milano | 7.20% p.a. Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Davide Campari-Milano N.V. | 21.12.2026 | EUR | 943,95953,95 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP17WB7 DE000UP17WB7 | Alphabet Inc. A / / Meta Platforms / Microsoft | 10.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on, Inc., Meta Platforms, Inc., Alphabet Inc. Reg. Shares A and Microsoft Corporation | 04.01.2027 | EUR | 992,931.002,93 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP7RXM2 DE000UP7RXM2 | Hermes Intl / Kering / LVMH / Salvatore Ferragamo | 12.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Kering, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Salvatore Ferragamo S.p.A. and Hermes International SA | 07.01.2030 | EUR | 1.016,631.026,63 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP4UM72 DE000UP4UM72 | Alphabet Inc. A / / Meta Platforms / Microsoft | 8.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on worst of, Inc., Meta Platforms, Inc., Alphabet Inc. Reg. Shares A and Microsoft Corporation | 07.01.2030 | EUR | 983,38993,38 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UM92SB5 DE000UM92SB5 | UBS CMCI Precious Metals USD ER Index | Dolphin CPN on CMPMER Index | 19.01.2027 | EUR | 968,37978,37 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ0F7Z0 DE000UJ0F7Z0 | BANCO BPM SPA / Moncler SpA / Saipem S.p.A. | 13.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Moncler S.p.A., Saipem S.p.A. and Banco BPM S.p.A. | 22.01.2030 | EUR | 1.011,291.021,54 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP9V9W1 DE000UP9V9W1 | BPER BANCA / Moncler SpA / STMICROELECTRONICS NV | 13.50% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on STMicroelectronics N.V., Moncler S.p.A. and BPER Banca S.p.A. | 23.01.2030 | EUR | 967,40976,75 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UP90LR3 DE000UP90LR3 | BANCO BPM SPA / Barclays / Deutsche Bank / Goldman Sachs | 12.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Banco BPM S.p.A., BARCLAYS PLC, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and Deutsche Bank AG | 24.01.2030 | EUR | 965,57975,57 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ0JAN8 DE000UJ0JAN8 | ASML Holding N.V. / Bayer / BPER BANCA | 14.40% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on worst of BPER Banca S.p.A., Bayer AG and ASML Holding N.V | 30.01.2029 | EUR | 978,97989,33 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ0HEZ8 DE000UJ0HEZ8 | Enel / Eni / Intesa Sanpaolo / Mercedes-Benz Group AG | 8.40% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on worst of Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A., Enel S.p.A., Mercedes-Benz Group AG and Eni S.p.A. | 30.01.2029 | EUR | 990,691.000,86 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ0WGT5 DE000UJ0WGT5 | UBS CMCI Precious Metals USD ER Index | Dolphin CPN on CMPMER Index | 25.01.2027 | EUR | 979,99989,99 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ0Z2K9 DE000UJ0Z2K9 | Amgen / Johnson & Johnson / PepsiCo / Procter & Gamble | 6.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on worst of Johnson & Johnson, The Procter & Gamble Company, PepsiCo Inc. and Amgen Inc. | 05.02.2029 | EUR | 979,85989,85 |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ0GQB5 DE000UJ0GQB5 | Johnson & Johnson / Merck & Co. / Novo Nordisk A/S | 9.80% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Novo Nordisk A/S, Merck & Co., Inc. and Johnson & Johnson | 08.02.2027 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ1F144 DE000UJ1F144 | Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA / Davide Campari-Milano / Stellantis / Telecom Italia | 13.50% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Davide Campari-Milano N.V., Stellantis N.V., Telecom Italia S.p.A. and Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA | 06.02.2030 | EUR | ---- |
/product/detail/index/isin/DE000UJ01GJ0 DE000UJ01GJ0 | BANCO BPM SPA / BPER BANCA / LEONARDO S.p.A. / Moncler SpA | 10.00% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on Banco BPM S.p.A., BPER Banca S.p.A., Leonardo SpA and Moncler S.p.A. | 06.02.2030 | EUR | 978,50-- |