8.40% p.a. Worst-of Express Certificate with Memory Coupon on BP p.l.c., Repsol S.A., RWE AG and Eni S.p.A.
ISIN: DE000UP003E4 SSPA product type:: Express Certificates (1260)
924,30 EUR
Volume: 25 -
934,30 EUR
Volume: 250
Type | Instrument |
Underlying | BP / Eni / Repsol / RWE AG |
WKN | UP003E |
ISIN | DE000UP003E4 |
Currency | EUR |
Issue date | 25.09.2024 |
Expiry | 24.09.2029 |
Underlying price1) BP Eni Repsol RWE AG | 4,343 GBP 14,092 EUR 29,35 EUR 11,555 EUR |